🚨 Election Alert 🚨 Saturday, November 16th, 2024, is declared as the date for the District Council Chairman by-election in Kenema District. 🗳️ #KenemaElection2024 #DistrictCouncilElection
August 15, 2024, was a significant day for ECSL directors and assistant directors as they participated in the EU-funded Financial Management Training at the Atlantic Hotel, Lumley Beach. Expert facilitators from ECSL, NPPA, and Audit Service Sierra Leone provided enlightening sessions on effective financial management, audit processes, procurement regulations, and more. It was an honor to have our Commissioners and EU representative Gavin Weise in attendance. A big step forward in strengthening leadership and accountability. #Leadership #FinancialManagement #EU
The Commissioners of ECSL, alongside Senior Management staff, gathered for a 2-day workshop on August 7-8, 2024, at Atlantic Hotel, Lumley Beach. The focus was on reviewing and implementing tripartite recommendations for improving Sierra Leone's electoral processes. #Elections #SierraLeone #ECSL
The Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone is Constitutionally-mandated to supervise voter registration and conduct all public elections and referenda.